Review on ‘birding around Amsterdam, September 2019’
Thank you once again for a tremendous day of birding while I was in Amsterdam. Travelling from the US on business, I only had one day to dedicate to birding. Your planning where to go, and knowledge of what we were seeing (and hearing) was a huge contributor to the success of the day. Even dodging the predicted rain showers worked out perfectly.
The variety in habitat was wonderful, as was the range of birds that we were able to see. I greatly enjoyed the shoreline with multiple views of a few life birds. Beyond the life birds – I had seen both black-backed gulls in the US, but I had never before had such a good opportunity to study the back and leg differences that distinguish the two species.
I got many great pictures, with the Kestrel and Northern Lapwing, being two of my favorite new species. In fact, I got decent pictures of every new species we saw! I credit your quick spotting, and your patience as I clicked away, for enabling me to capture those memories.
I am including a link to my Facebook post, which has links to my ebird lists.
I hope to visit the Netherlands again, and will certainly call you again when I do.